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Question: (1) Which is “the greatest âyah of the Qur’ân”? (2) Which sûrah will protect one from the Dajjâl? (3) Which sûrah is equivalent to one-third of the Qur’ân? (4) What is “the heart of the Qur’ân”?
Answer: (1) Hadrat ‘Ubay ibn Ka’b said: The Messenger of Allâh said (to me), “Oh Abul-Mundhir! Do you know which âyah of the Book of Allâh is the greatest according to you?” I said, “Allâh and His Apostle know best.” He said, “Oh Abul-Mundhir! Do you know which âyah of the Book of Allâh is the greatest according to you?” I said, “Allâh: There is no deity except Him, the Ever-living, the Ever-subsisting.” Then he struck my chest with his hand and said, “Oh Abul-Mundhir, may learning welcome thee with cheers!” [Muslim, Mishkât (Al-Hadis, III:675)] (The “greatest âyah of Qur’ân” is Âyat-ul-Kursi, the Verse of the Throne, 2:255.) (2) Hadrat Abu ad-Dardâ’ reported that the Messenger of Allâh said: “Whoever commits to memory ten verses from the beginning of Sûrah al-Kahf (18) will be protected from Dajjâl.” [Muslim, Mishkât (Al-Hadis, III:677)] (3) Same reported that the Messenger of Allâh asked: “Will not any of you be able to read one-third of the Qur’ân in one night?” They replied, “And how can he read one-third of the Qur’ân?” He said: “ ‘Say: He is Allâh the One’ (Sûrah Ikhlâs- 112): it will be equivalent to one-third of the Qur’ân.” [Muslim, Bukhari from Abu Sa’îd, Mishkât (Al-Hadis, III:678)] (4) Hadrat Anas reported that the Messenger of Allâh said: “There is certainly a heart for everything and the heart of the Qur’ân is Yâ Sîn (Sûrah 36); and whoso reads Yâ Sîn, Allâh writes for him in exchange of its reading (the rewards of) the reading of the (whole) Qur’ân ten times.” [Tirmidhi, Dârimi, Mishkât (Al-Hadis, III:684)]
Published: June 2003 |
Last modified 08/12/05 09:25 AM - Iqra - ISSN #1062-2756 |