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Question: There is one āyah (verse) in the Qurān in which Allāh says that He Himself does something and then He also orders the believers to do the same. What is that āyah? Answer: It is āyah 56 in Sūrah al-Ahzāb (33): Truly Allāh and His angels shower blessings upon the Prophet. Oh Believers! Send blessings upon him and salute him with a worthy salutation. The correct answer was received from reader Abdul Muidu online.
Hadrat Ibn Masūd reports that the Holy Prophet said: Truly the closest person to me on the Day of Judgment will be the one who asked blessings upon me most abundantly. [Tirmidhi, Ibn Hibbān in his Sahīh] Allāmah Sakhāwi ( rahimahullāh) has quoted in his book Qaul-ul-Badī a narration of ad-Durrul-Munazzam that the Holy Prophet said, The person who sent darūd upon me abundantly will be nearest to me on the Day of Judgment. This hadīth is further supported by a narration of Hadrat Anas that the Holy Prophet said, The person who sent darūd abundantly upon me will be nearest to me on every occasion on the Day of Judgment. It has also been reported that the Holy Prophet said, Send darūd upon me abundantly because in the beginning you will be questioned in the graves about me. These narrations are supported by another hadīth in which the Holy Prophet said, Your darūd upon me will be a cause of light at the Bridge (Sirāt) on the Day of Judgment. Whosoever wants that his good deeds would be weighed in a big Balance, he should send darūd upon me abundantly. Another hadīth has been related to Hadrat Anas that the Holy Prophet said, The person who sent darūd abundantly upon me will be best saved from the distress and calamities of the Day of Judgment. Allāmah Sakhāwi has quoted a hadīth in which the Holy Prophet said, Three (categories of) persons will be under the shadow of the sublime Throne on the Day of Judgment when there will be no shadow besides it: (i) The person who removed a misery of a miserable, (ii) the person who revived one of my sunnah (way), and (iii) the person who used to send darūd upon me abundantly. This hadīth is supported by a narration of Hadrat Umar which is quoted by Allāmah Sakhāwi: The Holy Prophet said, Adorn your meetings with darūd because it will be a light for you on the Day of Judgment. It is written in Quwwatul-Qulūb, as quoted by Allāmah Sakhāwi that the least quantity for getting the benefit of abundance of darūd is three hundred times daily. Hadrat-i-Aqdas Shaikh Abdur Rashīd Gangohi used to advise his disciples to send darūd three hundred times daily. Allāmah Sakhāwi has quoted Ibn-i-Hibbān in connection with the above hadīth which is also mentioned in the Sahīh of Ibn-i-Hibbān: This hadīth clearly supports that the muhaddithīn will be nearest to the Holy Prophet on the Day of Judgment because they send darūd on him abundantly. Similarly Hadrat Abu Ubaidah has also said, The superiority is particularly for the muhaddithīn, because a muhaddith always reads or writes the darūd with the reading or the writing of a hadīth in which the name of the Holy Prophet is frequently repeated. Khatīb has quoted Abu Naīm that this superiority is particular with the muhaddithīn. Other theologians have also argued in a similar way. In the category of the muhaddithīn all those learned persons may be included who are engaged in learned, writing, and teaching ahādīth whether in Arabic or in Urdu (or any other language). It is written in Zād-us-Saīd with reference to Tabrāni that the Holy Prophet said, The person who writes the darūd in a book will perpetually be blessed by the angels till the time my name remains in it. Another hadīth has been reported by Tabrāni that the Holy Prophet said, My intercession will be sure for him who sends darūd upon me ten times in the morning and ten times in the evening. Imam Mustaghfari has quoted a saying of the Holy Prophet : One hundred wants will be fulfilled of the person who sends one hundred times darūd upon me daily. Out of these thirty will be fulfilled in this world and seventy in the Hereafter. [Shaikhul-Hadīth Ml. Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhalvi, Virtues of Darūd Sharīf. Ch.1, Hadīth 5]
Published: March 2003 |
Last modified 08/12/05 09:25 AM - Iqra - ISSN #1062-2756 |