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The First Emigration Many of the early Muslims were persecuted and tortured for their belief in
Allah. They were forced to worship in the utmost privacy, and for some, who had
no privacy from their idol-worshiping masters or kinsmen, it was very difficult
to worship at all. When the Prophet If you were to look at a map, you would not find Abyssinia on it. It is now known as Ethiopia, on the continent of Africa, just west of the southwestern tip of the Arabian peninsula. It was a journey of several hundred miles for the fleeing Muslims. They did not all leave at once from Makkah, for they knew that their families would try to prevent their departure. They left secretly in small groups, so that the Quraish were not aware of what had happened until all the emigrants had reached their destination. In Abyssinia, where most of the inhabitants were Christian, the emigrants were allowed to worship freely. The Quraish were angered by the carefully planned departure of the Muslims and devised a plot to get them back. They sent to Abyssinia two men loaded with bribes for the king and his generals. First the men approached each general individually and presented their case and their gifts, so that when they made their request to the king for the return of the Muslims, the generals would side with the Quraish. However, the king was not about to hand over a group of people, who had come to him for protection, without hearing their side of the story. He had the Muslims summoned to his court. The king asked the group of assembled Muslims to explain this new religion to
him, a religion which was not like that of their kinsmen, but was not like any
other religion with which the king was familiar. Jafar explained how they had
been called from the worship of idols and images to the worship of Allah, and
that this call had come from a Messenger who had been sent to them from their
own people. He explained how their desire to worship the oneness of Allah had
caused their people to turn against them and to try to get them to return to
idol-worshiping. It was for this reason that the Muslims had fled from their
homeland and had sought the protection of the king. Jafar then recited a passage
from the Surah Maryam (19:16-21) which described how Maryam had been chosen to
be the mother of Jesus But the two men were not to be so easily turned aside from their mission. The
following day they started a rumor that the Muslims claimed that Jesus However, yet another crisis faced the Muslims, for many of the king’s
people were angered at what the king had said about Jesus
Published: December 2002 |
Last modified 08/12/05 09:25 AM - Iqra - ISSN #1062-2756 |