How many suhuf
are there and to whom were they revealed?
The exact number of suhuf
is not known. Some were given to Hazrat Adam (
some to Hazrat Sheeth (
and some to Hazrat Ibrahim (
There are many more suhuf
which were revealed to other prophets.
(peace be upon them all)
Who are rusul (prophets) ?
Rusul are Allah’s servants
and human beings. Allah commissioned them to convey His commands to other human
beings. They were truthful. They never told lies. They performed miracles by the
order of Allah. They did not commit sins. They were infallible. They delivered
Allah’s commands in all completeness. They neither added anything to His
commands nor dropped any part of them, nor did they hide any part of them.
What is meant by Nabiy ?
Nabiy is synonymous with
“prophet.” They are Allah’s servants and human beings. They delivered
Allah’s commands to other human beings. They were truthful. They never told
lies. They did not commit sins. They were infallible. They delivered Allah’s
commands in all completeness. They neither added nor dropped nor hid any portion
of Allah’s commands.
Is there any difference between nabiy
and rasool or do both have the same
There is a small difference between the two. Every prophet is a nabiy. But a rasool is the
prophet who was given a new sharee’ah
(Divine Law) and a Book. A nabiy
followed the sharee’ah that
was given to the prophet before him. A nabiy
is not given a new sharee’ah
and new Book.
Can anyone become a nabiy by
his own efforts and devotions?
No. A nabiy is appointed and
chosen only by Allah. This rank is entirely bestowed by Allah. Man’s personal
efforts or his own desire do not count in the least in this respect.
How many rusul were there?
Many rusul came to the world
but only Allah knows their exact number. We should express our imaan in all prophets sent by Allah and testify to all of them and
believe that they are prophets.
Who was the first prophet?
A. Hazrat
Adam (
was the first of all the prophets.
Who is the last of all the prophets?
A. Hazrat
Muhammad Mus-tafaa (
is the last of all the prophets.
Will more prophets come after Hazrat Muhammad (
No. Because the appointment of prophets and messengers was finalized with
Hazrat Muhammad Mus-tafaa (
After him no new nabiy will come until
the Day of Judgment. Someone who says that he is Allah’s messenger after the
Prophet Muhammad (
) is a liar.
Who is the greatest among the prophets?
Our Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad Mus-tafaa (
stands above all as regards respect and rank amongst the prophets, but he is
still only a servant of Allah and a human being.