About Ta'leem-ul-Islam and this siteTa'leem-ul-Islam is a series of books, originally written in the Urdu
language, by Allaama Mufti Muhammad Kifaayatullah ( Several English translations of this work have been produced. We have selected one by Dr. Mahmood Qaderi, published in Lahore, 1981. The English has been edited, revised and proofread. The Arabic text has been retyped and an attempt has been made to provide an accurate transliteration scheme. The entire work has then been placed on this web site to give Muslims over the world access to this resource. Printed versions of these books are also available, see below. The procedures of worship and other aspects of life detailed in these books are based on the rulings of the Hanafi school of jurisprudence (madh-hab). Thus, they are all derived from the authentic sources of the Qur'aan and Sunnah. In order to avoid overwhelming the beginning student, it is not advisable to detail the basis for each and every ruling. Thus, these books have not included source references. We will, insha-Allah (Allah-willing), develop a set of footnotes or commentary on this work which will provide detailed references and bases for the rulings. (For details of prayer, see "The Salah of a Believer in the Qur'an and Sunnah") In any event, these volumes are only meant as an introductory handbook. For help in answering more advanced or complex questions, one should consult a reliable scholar or advanced text of Islam. In addition, we also hope, insha-Allah, to provide a complete glossary of the Arabic terms that occur in the various volumes. The set is divided into 4 parts. The first part introduces the basic beliefs and the procedure for prayer. The following parts build upon this foundation and provide additional details of the procedure for prayer and the other fundamental obligations of Islam. In the first part of Teachings of Islam we provide English transliteration of the Arabic text. It is necessary, however, to learn enough Arabic to be able to read it fluently. Under a qualified teacher, it is not difficult to learn to read Arabic. In the next three parts of Teachings of Islam, we only provide Arabic text and the English meaning. (Click here for a description of the transliteration scheme.) This set was revised and reprinted for Madrasa-tun-Noor, Hamden, CT and is distributed by the Connecticut Council of Masajid (CCM), Inc. Printed copies are available upon request. We ask that a donation ($10-$15) be made to CCM to cover the costs of printing and mailing. If you are unable to make a donation, we will do our best to provide the materials free of cost. Send your name, address and donations to: Connecticut Council of Masajid NOTE: We can only send copies to addresses within the United States of America.
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