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What is I’tikâf?The meaning of I’tikâf is to seclude oneself in the masjid with the express intention (niyyah) of I’tikâf, for the remembrance of Allâh, even though for a few seconds only. Objects and Advantages of I’tikâfThe reward of I’tikâf
is great. The mere fact that the Messenger of Allâh ( When someone comes begging at the door and then refuses to leave until his request is granted, it is certain that even the most selfish person will eventually accede to one’s request; and how much more Merciful is Allâh. Allamah ibn Qayyim, on explaining the significance of I’tikâf, writes that the actual aim of this seclusion is to free the heart from everything else except Allâh and to join it with Him alone, thereby forming a complete spiritual link with the Creator. All worldly connections are thus cut off for the sake of gaining Allâh’s special attention and favor. All thoughts, desires, love and devotion become centered on Allâh alone. As a reward for this effort Allâh’s love is attained; a love and friendship that will be the only companion in the loneliness of the grave. When a person has established this relationship, then who can possibly imagine the great ecstasy with which that time of the grave will be spent! The author of Marâqi-ul-Falâh writes that I’tikâf, when correctly and sincerely performed, is a most virtuous deed. One cannot enumerate all the great advantages and benefits in it. In actual fact, what takes place in I’tikâf is that the heart is drawn away from everything else except Allâh, the Creator- while our whole life, in reality, is laid down at His doorstep. In every moment of I’tikâf one remains in Ibâdah (worship). Even when asleep, one is still in His service, striving for nearness to Him. Allâh says, according to a hadîth, “Whoever draws near to Me an arms length, then I draw nearer to him two arm lengths; and whoever draws nearer to Me by walking, I draw nearer to him by running.” It is also deduced from the various narrations that one of the major objects of I’tikâf during Ramadân is to search for Laylatul-Qadr (the Night of Power). What better manner can there be than to remain in ibâdah at all times, whether one is awake or asleep, to obtain the reward of 1,000 months (over 83 years) of worship. Furthermore, in I’tikâf one is free from all daily tasks and thus has all the time to devote to Zikrullâh (remembrance of Allâh) and meditation. Virtues of I’tikâfTo quote all the virtues of I’tikâf here will lengthen this chapter overmuch. A few ahâdîth should suffice: Ibn ‘Abbâs ( By remaining secluded in the masjid during the last ten days of Ramadân, one completely avoids falling into unintentional evil acts, and by this seclusion if one does miss an opportunity for any good deeds such as attending Janâzah (funeral prayer), burials, visiting the sick, etc., one is rewarded for these deeds without even performing them. Ibn ‘Abbâs ( In Kashful-Ghumma, Allamah Sha`râni relates a
hadîth wherein Rasûlullâh ( Conditions of I’tikâfThe following are conditions for performance of I’tikâf:
Note: Women may observe I’tikâf in the home. It is also not necessary to have reached the age of puberty to observe I’tikâf; therefore an intelligent child (male or female) may observe I’tikâf.
Types of I’tikâfThere are three types of I’tikâf: 1. Wâjib, 2. Sunnah, 3. Nafl. 1. Wâjib I’tikâfI’tikâf becomes compulsory (wâjib) when a person makes it obligatory upon himself. For instance, when a person makes a vow of thanks-giving to Allâh that if Allâh fulfills a certain wish of his, he will perform so many days of I’tikâf. In this case, the moment his wish is fulfilled, I’tikâf becomes compulsory. Or, a person may merely make an unconditional vow whereby he makes I’tikâf compulsory upon himself for a certain number of days. This becomes a duty on him from that moment onwards. A wâjib I’tikâf cannot be for less than one day and one night and has to be performed while fasting, irrespective of whether the fast is specifically for this purpose or not. If the niyyah is for several days then the same number of nights will also have to be spent in I’tikâf. The I’tikâf will thus begin before sunset and terminate at sunset after the avowed number of days have been completed. The night precedes the day in Islamic reckoning. • Niyyah: The intention for this type of I’tikâf must be pronounced, mere mental niyyah is not sufficient. • Qadâ (Make-up): If this wâjib I’tikâf was begun for a particular number of days and is nullified for some reason during the course of performing the rite, then the make-up for the remaining number of days only must be observed. In the case where the vowed number of days are not specified, then make-up of the full number of days must be repeated. 2. Sunnah I’tikâfThis I’tikâf
was observed by Rasûlullâh ( • Niyyah: The niyyah for sunnah I’tikâf is that a firm intention should be made for this purpose before the sun sets on the 20th of Ramadân, in the masjid that is chosen for the I’tikâf. It terminates at sunset if the crescent is sighted on the 29th or on the 30th of Ramadân. There is no prescribed salâh to be performed for this purpose. It is noteworthy that generally no nafl salâh should be performed after ‘Asr salâh until Maghrib. • Qadâ: According to some ‘ulamâ (scholars), there is no make-up for this I’tikâf if it is interrupted for any reason. Others are of the opinion that the qadâ should be observed. Therefore, to be cautious, make-up of the remaining days should be observed if the I’tikâf is broken for some reason. 3. Nafl I’tikâfThere is no special time or specific number of days for nafl I’tikâf. A person may form the niyyah for any number of days at any time of the year, even for his whole life. While Imâm Abû Hanîfah (rahmatullâh ‘alayhi) states that it cannot be for less than a full day, Imâm Muhammad (rahmatullâh ‘alayhi) states that there is no limit as to the minimum period of time. It could even be for just a few seconds. The fatwâ is on this latter view. There is no fast associated with this type of I’tikâf. • Niyyah: It is desirable for anyone entering a masjid to make the niyyah for I’tikâf as long as he will remain in the masjid. So, while he is in ‘ibâdah (worship), he also gains the reward of I’tikâf. It is advisable for everyone who comes to join the congregational prayers to form an intention of I’tikâf upon entering the masjid. This will mean that as long as he remains busy with salâh, dhikr, listening to religious lectures, etc., he also receives the reward for I’tikâf. • Qadâ: There is no make-up for nafl I’tikâf. Supposing the niyyah for an hour’s nafl I’tikâf is made and only fifteen minutes are spent in the masjid, the I’tikâf will terminate at the time of leaving the masjid.
Where to Perform I’tikâfThe place with the most reward for I’tikâf is the Masjid-ul-Harâm in Makkah. The next most remunerative is the Masjid-un-Nabi in Madînah Munawwarah and then follows Bait-ul-Muqaddas in Jerusalem. Thereafter comes the Jâmi’ masjid in one’s own town and last, but not least, the masjid nearest to one’s home. Imâm Abû Hanîfah (rahmatullâh ‘alayhi) stipulates that the masjid should be one wherein the five daily prayers are performed, while Imâm Abû Yûsuf and Imâm Muhammad (rahmatullâh ‘alayhima) are agreed that any masjid according to the Sharî`ah can be entered for I’tikâf. I’tikâf For FemalesFemales should perform I’tikâf in the masjids (ie. the room set aside for prayer) inside their homes. Where, however, no such room exists, and the desire to observe I’tikâf is present, the room where salâh is normally performed should be set aside for this seclusion. If salâh is performed in the bedroom, I’tikâf could be performed there. The domestic duties should be carried out by the daughters or servants while the person in I’tikâf remains constantly in ‘ibâdah in her room. I’tikâf is a much easier task for women, for in fact, she remains in the confines of her room at home and receives the same great rewards of I’tikâf. It is very unfortunate that in spite of this ease, our womenfolk still remain deprived of the blessings of I’tikâf. Generally this sunnah is neglected so much so that many have not even heard of it! Additional Rules for Females in I’tikâfIn addition to the general rules of I’tikâf that apply to men, there are some rules that apply to women only:
The MasjidThe defined “Masjid area” are all those places that have been intended as masjid when that structure was built, and also that area that was subsequently increased. This should be determined from the Mutawalli (custodian) of the masjid well in advance. This is of paramount importance as the very basis of I’tikâf is to remain within the sacred masjid area. Where the Mutawalli is unable to identify this area, it is advisable that the Mu’takif (person performing I’tikâf) remain within the doors of the actual masjid chamber. Women folk should regard the entire room as her place of I’tikâf, the door to her room being the boundary. When a Mu’takif could leave the Masjid or place of I’tikâf
The Mu’takif could leave the defined masjid area for the following reasons only. If he/she leaves for any reason other than the undermentioned then the I’tikâf will terminate forthwith.
When going out for these necessities do not spend more time than is absolutely required. Return as soon as possible and do not talk to anyone. If someone greets you, it is wâjib to only answer. When a Mu’takif cannot leave the Masjid or place of I’tikâfThe Mu’takif is not allowed to leave the defined masjid area for the under mentioned reasons. If he does leave, even though for a few seconds, either intentionally or unintentionally, his I’tikâf will be nullified.
[Note: in situations (a) and (d) it will be permissible to leave the masjid but the I’tikâf will be nullified and, for example, if it is a wâjib I’tikâf, then qadâ will be necessary. (Editor)] What is allowed during I’tikâfThe following are allowed in the masjid during the I’tikâf:
What is dis-allowed during I’tikâfThe following are not allowed in the masjid during the I’tikâf:
What to do during I’tikâfAll the time spent in I’tikâf should be beneficially used for ‘ibâdah. This is the opportunity when one is able to observe all those devotions that could not be normally carried out. The fard salâh should be performed with meticulous care and humbleness and without haste. It is meritorious to perform all the [congregational] salâh in the first saff (row). Besides this the most virtuous act is reciting the Qur’ân, thereafter du’â, istighfâr, and nafl salâh. As these are not the subject of this booklet, it will not be appropriate to mention them here in detail. However, for the immediate quick reference of the Mu’takif a brief description is given here: Tilâwat of the Qur’ânThere is undoubtedly a great link between the month of Ramadân and the Holy Qur’ân. Almost all Allâh’s Divine Scriptures were revealed in this month. Therefore for those in sunnah I’tikâf the most virtuous act, after the fard salâh, is the recitation of Allâh’s final Book to humanity – the Qur’ân. An effort should be made to complete at least one khatam during the sunnah I’tikâf. Du’âI’tikâf is the opportune time to
communicate with Allâh, to beseech of Him, to ask Him for forgiveness and to
ask Him for all one’s needs. In the hadîth it is said: “Du’â is
the essence of ‘ibâdah.” For forgiveness of sins the Sayyidul-Istighfâr
should be recited as many times as possible. Shaddad bin Aws ( Then he said: “Whosoever recites it during the day with true faith and sincerity, then passes away on that day before dusk, verily he will be from those whose abode is Jannah; and whosoever reads it at night with true faith and sincerity, then dies before the break of dawn, he will indeed be from those whose eternal place is Jannah (Paradise).” For du’â of a general nature it is advisable
to use any authentic du’â manual. The Al-Hizb-ul-A’zam and Dalâil-ul-Khayrât
are recommended. The two manuals mentioned are comprehensive collections of
Rasûlullâh’s ( Nafl SalâhThe under mentioned nafl salâhs could be performed during the prescribed times. Care should be taken that no salâh be performed during the makrûh times (ie. when the sun rises, when it is at its zenith, and when it sets; after the fard rak’ât of Fajr salâh until after sunrise and after the fard rak’ât of ‘Asr salâh until after Maghrib). Tahiyyatul-Wudû’Every time wudû’ is performed two rak’ât with the niyyah of Tahiyyatul-wudû’ should be performed. It is related in the hadîth: “Whoever of you performs wudû’ and performs it with care and performs two rak’ât with full attention and sincerity, Jannah become obligatory for him.” Ishrâq SalâhAfter Fajr salâh remain in the same place and recite Qur’ân, durûd, dhikr, etc., and do not indulge in any worldly talk until the sun has fully risen (about 15 to 20 minutes after sunrise), then perform 2 or 4 rak’ât. For this the reward is equal to that of one Hajj and one ‘Umrah. This salâh could still be performed after being occupied in worldly affairs, but the reward will be less. Duhâ SalâhAfter mid-morning, when there is warmth in the rays of the sun perform 2 to 12 rak’ât. There is great reward for this salâh. It is also called Namâz-e-Châsht. It could be performed up to mid-day. Salâtul-AwwâbînAfter the fard and two sunnah rak’ât of Maghrib, perform a minimum of 6 rak’ât to a maximum of 20 rak’ât. The time of this salâh extends up to the time of ‘Ishâ salâh. Salâtut-TahajjudThis salâh is performed from after mid-night up to the beginning of Fajr time. This salâh is the most rewarding of all nafl salâh and is the most acceptable by Allâh. If it is not possible to awaken at night for this salâh, it could be performed after ‘Ishâ, though the reward will not be the same. 4 to 12 rak’ât should be performed in the Tahajjud salâh. Salâtut-TasbîhThis salâh consists of 4 rak’ât wherein the tasbîh “Subhânallâhi wal-hamdu lillâhi wa lâ ilâha illallâhu wallâhu akbar” is recited 300 times. This tasbîh should be read 15 times after thanâ, before Sûrah Fâtihah. Then Sûrah Fâtihah and an additional sûrah have to be recited and then the tasbîh 10 times; then one goes into rukû’. After reciting “Subhâna rabbiyal-azeem” thrice, the tasbîh is said 10 times; and after saying “Sami’allâhu liman hamidah” while standing upright in qawmah, read the tasbîh 10 times. Then in each sajdah after reading “Subhâna rabbiyal-a’lâ” it has to be read 10 times and similarly it will be read 10 times in jalsah, between both sajdahs. The remaining rak’ât are performed in the same way.
Last modified 08/12/05 09:25 AM - Iqra - ISSN #1062-2756 |