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<< Return to the IQRA Articles Page << Islamic Months The Month of RajabWhen the moon of Rajab (seventh month of the Islamic calendar) was sighted, the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) used to read the following du’a (prayer):
Oh Allah! Grant us blessings in the months of Rajab and Sha’baan and take us forth to Ramadhaan. This du’a should be recited regularly in the months of Rajab and Sha’baan. In order to enter Ramadaan in the best possible manner, one has to prepare himself in the months of Rajab and Sha’baan. It has been said that Rajab is the month to sow the seeds of good actions, Sha’baan is the month in which we should water those seeds and Ramadaan is the month in which we reap the harvest. When Sa’eed bin Jubair was asked about fasting during Rajab he said that Ibn Abbaas (radiyallaahu’anhu) told that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) used to fast to such an extent that they thought that he would never break his fast and then he would go without fasting to such an extent that they thought he would never fast. [Sunan Abu Dawud]
[The following compiled from Khutubât-ul-Ahkâm of Maulânâ Ashraf ‘Ali Thânwi and the collections of hadeeth] All praise is due to Allah, Who carried His servant by
night from the inviolable place of worship (Masjid-il-Harâm, Makkah) to
the far-distant place of worship (Masjid-il-Aqsâ, Jerusalem) and from
there to the highest of skies. The month of Rajab has begun and upon its
arrival, the Holy Prophet There are a number of narrations concerning fasting on particular days of this
month. Of those ahâdeeth whose chains of narrators reach the Prophet
none are sound, most being weak and some even fabricated. Further, it has been
narrated on the authority of Kharashah that, “I saw ‘Umar ibn al-Khattâb
hitting the palms of the people for fasting in Rajab, until they left it by
eating.” Thirdly, in a mawqoof narration (i.e. a tradition not
established directly as a statement of the Prophet but confirmed to be that of
one of his companions), Abu Hurairah The Mi’râj (the Prophet Muhammad’s Often on the 27th night of Rajab, functions are arranged
in which the episode of Mi’râj is told. These practices are undertaken
by both the general public as well as scholars who are uninformed of this issue.
The ruling of this is similar to that of the ruling related to the blessed birth
of the Holy Prophet
Last modified 08/12/05 09:25 AM - Iqra - ISSN #1062-2756 |