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Isn’t it better to enjoy the peace, blessing, and mercy and know they are Allah’s?

Isn’t it better to enjoy the light that helps to heat the hurt and pain and solves the confusion of the darkness?

Isn’t it better to assume your role as husband, wife, brother and sister and seek the pleasures of Allah not worrying about the judgments of others?

Isn’t it better to know that the victory isn’t far away as we press forward towards spreading Islam wherever we live?

Isn’t it better to know whatever wrong is done we have time before it is too late to beg for forgiveness and know our sincere calls will be answered?

Isn’t it better to know that all the good that’s done will be rewarded in ways we can only imagine ?

Isn’t it better to know that when things are unbalanced that we have something we can do that can calm our very souls deep within?

Isn’t it better to know that the place we’ve been and the place we’re headed is totally different and the best is yet to come ?

It’s better, Oh believing Muslims, Now we must let others know!! Spread the Word.

Aminah Ali
Hartford, CT


Last modified 08/12/05 09:25 AM - Iqra - ISSN #1062-2756