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Watch the life of a true Muslim:
His heart is free from greed;
He keeps away from sins,
And shuns all dishonest deeds.
His philosophy is simple,
It is called Islam:
Submission to Allah’s will,
The religion of Abraham.
He declares and bears witness:
There is no god but Allah,
And His messenger is Muhammad
The noble son of Abdullah.
Prayers strengthen his morals,
And fasting creates taqwa:
Which is fear of the Almighty;
Yes, it is the right formula!
The commitment to Islam,
He displays in the pilgrimage;
He happily pays the poor due;
With Allah is his wage.
He treats this worldly life,
As only a trifling matter;
His abode is in Paradise,
Forever, in the hereafter.
The heart of such a Muslim
Abounds with joy and happiness;
Whatever his Lord sends to him,
He accepts with thankfulness.
--- Zaki Ahmad Sabih