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Muharram is the Month of Personal Sacrifice
In less than two weeks, perhaps on the 4th or 5th of March,
depending on the sighting of the Hilal, the new Muslim lunar year 1424 would, insha-Allah,
begin. Unlike all the other calendars that begin on a date the origin of which
is shrouded in mystery or admittedly does not correspond with the advent of the
claimed event, Muslims know with certainty when, where, and how this calendar
began. Nothing is ambiguous or mysterious. Not only is the chronology well known
but the lessons and messages it delivers are well understood by Muslims, even to
this day.
The first and foremost lesson is the extreme sacrifice in
the way of Allâh. Leaving one's homeland and property and family behind and to
migrate to establish Allâh's deen is a duty on every Muslim and the
reward of it is immense.
"Those who believe and migrate and strive with might
and main for the faith in the cause of Allâh as well as those who give (them)
asylum and aid, these are (all) in very truth the believers: for them is the
forgiveness of sins and a provision most generous."
[al-Anfaal, 8:74]
"Those who believe and migrate and strive with might
and main in Allâh's cause with their goods and their persons have the highest
rank in the sight of Allah: They are the people who are triumphant. Their Lord
doth give them Glad tidings of a Mercy from Himself, of His good pleasure and of
gardens for them wherein are delights that endure. They will dwell therein
forever. Verily in Allah's presence is a reward the greatest (of
[at-Tauba, 9:20-22]
The Messenger of Allâh
by his personal example showed the meaning and methodology of this sacrifice.
Even today one cannot miss the enormity of the sacrifice. A current visitor to hijaz
can visualize the physical hardship of that migration. To overcome this
unimaginable emotional toll and to console and reward him in this world, Allâh
gave him the following glad tidings when he felt homesick for his place of
"Lo! He Who hath given thee the Qur'an for a law will
surely bring thee home again. Say: My Lord is best aware of he who bringeth
guidance and him who is in error manifest."
[al-Qasas, 28:85]
Indeed in a short time this promise was fulfilled beyond any
This event was so significant in the sight of Allâh that
when the using a calendar become useful for the companions they were guided to
use the Hijrah as the bench mark. Sahl bin Sad
narrates, "The Prophet's companions did not take as a starting date for the
Muslim calendar, the day the Prophet
had been sent as an Apostle or the day of his death, but the day of his arrival
at Medina." Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 5.271.
No wonder the hijrah (migration) of Rasoolullah
is regarded as jihad by Allâh. Very shortly thereafter it was also
taught to Muslims that no other migration would ever equal that sacrifice.
"The Messenger of Allah
asked about migration, whereupon he said: There is no migration after the
liberation (of Makkah), but Jihad and sincere intention. When you are asked to
set out (for the cause of Islâm), you should set out." Narrated by Aisha
Sahih Muslim Hadith 4599.
Then we were given further guidance: Amr ibn Abasah
narrates, "I came to Allah's Messenger
and said to him: Allah's Messenger, who are with you on this (sacred) mission?
He said: Free man and slave. I said: What is Islam? He said: Pleasant
talk and serving of food. I said: What is Iman? He said: Endurance and
benevolence. I said: Which Islam is excellent? He said: One who
safeguards a Muslim against (aggression) of his tongue, and hand. I said: Which
faith is excellent? He said: Amiable disposition. I said: Which prayer is
excellent? He said: Standing for a long time in humility (and devotion). I said:
Which migration is excellent? He said: The one by which you abandon that which
your Lord dislikes. I said: Which jihad (fighting in the way of Allah) is
excellent? He said: That in which one has one's steed wounded and his blood is
shed. I said: Which hour is most excellent? He said: The end of the darkest part
of the night." Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 46.
So the physical migration is only incumbent upon a Muslim if
he is persecuted for his Islâm and prevented from inviting others to the way of
Allâh, but spiritual migration away from disobedience of Allâh is ever
The migration took place in the month of Rabi
ul Awwal. Muslims kept the verbal records of the chronology. It was in
the 21st year after the Hijrah that Umar ibn-ul-Khattab
the second rightly guided khalifa officially started the tradition of
numbering the years from the year of the Hijrah. So this is what the
month of Muharram should remind us, to be ready to serve the cause of Islâm
with might and main if the need arises and be ever ready to abandon that which
our Lord dislikes. May Allâh give us the taufeeq.
Another significant sacrifice during the month of Muharram,
that teaches us many similar lessons was the martyrdom of Hazrat Imaam Hussain
who stood up against tyranny and rebelliousness to Allâh to uphold the
principle that his maternal grandfather had ingrained in him. The swords of the
soldiers of Ibne Ziyad could not prevent him to say the word of justice. That
event took place in the month of Muharram on the tenth, in the year AH 61. The
most important lesson of it is the extreme sacrifice to practice what the last
messenger of Allâh has taught us. The Prophet
said: "The best jihad in the path of Allah is (to speak) a word of truth to
an oppressive ruler." Narrated by Abu Sa'id al-Khudri
Sunan of Abu-Dawood Hadith 4330.
The 10th of Muharram is also the day that Musa
was saved by Allâh from the tyranny of Firawn (Pharaoh). So Muslim are
encouraged to fast on this day and the day before or the day after. "When
the Prophet
came to Medina, he
found (the Jews) fasting on the day of 'Ashura' (i.e. 10th of Muharram).
They used to say: "This is a great day on which Allah saved Musa and
drowned the folk of Pharaoh. Musa observed the fast on this day, as a sign of
gratitude to Allah." The Prophet
said, "I am closer to Musa than they." So, he observed the fast (on
that day) and ordered the Muslims to fast on it." Narrated by Ibn Abbas
Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 4.609.
"When the Messenger of Allah
fasted on the day of Ashura and commanded that it should be observed as a fast,
they (his Companions) said to him: Messenger of Allah , it is a day which the
Jews and Christians hold in high esteem. Thereupon the Messenger of Allah said:
When the next year comes, , we would observe fast on the 9th . But the Messenger
of Allah died before the advent of the next year." Narrated by Abdullah ibn
. Sahih Muslim Hadith 2528.
For us Muslims these are turbulent times. Tyranny is the
rule. Might decides what is right and what is wrong. Wealth buys the conscience
of nations. May Allâh not let the lessons of the hijrah and the martyrdom of
Hazrat Hussain
be dimmed by the
explosions of hitech devices of death and destruction all around us. They are
but the clutter of the reinvented modern day swords of the soldiers of Ibne
Ziyad. May Allâh grant us the taufeeq to speak kalimatul haq to a
tyrant ruler.
Published: February 2003