Yusuf (
- Peace Be Upon Him) in the Prison
This month's story is a continuation of the story of Yusuf
who was abandoned in a deep pit by his brothers, found by a passing caravan, and
sold into slavery in Egypt.
The Egyptian who bought Yusuf
from the caravan gave him a position of responsibility in his
household. As Yusuf
grew to full manhood he became extremely handsome and the wife
of his master fell hopelessly in love with him. One day, when she was alone in a
room with him, she approached him with sinful intentions. As he attempted to
flee from the room to avoid her advances, she grabbed his shirt from behind and
tore it. At the door of the room they ran into the master of the household, who
demanded to know what was happening. The wife accused Yusuf
of chasing her and Yusuf
denied it. One of the members of the household suggested a way
to determine who was telling the truth. If Yusuf's
shirt was torn in the front, then the wife had been resisting
But if the shirt were torn in the back, then the wife had been pursuing Yusuf
Since the shirt had been torn from behind, Yusuf
was shown to be telling the truth. The master told him to take
no further notice of the matter, and he reprimanded his wife for having done
something wrong.
Despite the husband's attempt to hush up the whole affair, gossip was soon
spreading throughout the city that the wife had fallen in love with her servant.
When she heard the malicious talk, the wife invited all the women of the town to
a meal and gave each of them a knife to use. She then called Yusuf
into the room. All the women were so overcome by the sight of
the handsome young man that they cut their hands with the knives which they
held. In this way the mistress of the house showed them why she had sought Yusuf
and she vowed that if he did not yield to her wishes she would
have him imprisoned.
was an upright young man, and with the help of Allah he had been
able to resist the advances of any woman. But he realized the weakness of his
human nature and he knew that if so many women were pursuing him, he might very
well yield to temptation. And so he prayed to Allah that he would rather be
imprisoned than accept any of their invitations, but he needed Allah's help to
turn away their attentions. And Allah heard his plea and turned their attentions
from him.
But the men of the city, although acknowledging Yusuf's
innocence, feared the commotion which his presence caused, and
thus decided to have him imprisoned. There Yusuf remained for several years.
Insha Allah in the next issue of Iqraa we shall relate how Yusuf
was cleared of the charges against him, and how he was raised to
a position of eminence in the land of Egypt.
Published: May 1992