Ibrahim's (
- Peace Be Upon Him) Descendants
In the previous issue of Iqraa we spoke of Ibrahim (
as an example of a role model. In this issue we will explain how Ibrahim (
became the ancestor of two groups of people.
As you may recall, most of the people at the time of Ibrahim (
were idol worshippers. There were very few people who heeded the words of
Ibrahim (
One of the people who did follow in the way of Allah was his wife, Sarah. She
and Ibrahim (
had been married for many years but did not have any children. As they became
more elderly, it seemed apparent that they would never have a family. Sarah
therefore gave Ibrahim (
her slavewoman, Hajra, as a wife, in the hopes that she would be able to bear a
child for him. Ibrahim (
prayed for a righteous son and his prayer was answered. To him and Hajra was
born the son Ismail (
Ismail (
grew up strong in the belief of Allah. When he had become old enough to have
become helpful, Ibrahim (
saw in a vision from Allah that he was to sacrifice his son. You can imagine how
heavy-hearted he was at the thought of giving up that long-awaited son. But he
never thought to go against the command of Allah. He went to his son and told
him of the vision and asked him what he thought of it. Now Ismail (
although very young, never hesitated. If it was Allah's will, he said, he would
go along with it.
Ibrahim (
and Ismail (
prepared for the sacrifice and just as Ibrahim () was about to perform it, Allah
intervened. Allah provided a ram for sacrifice in place of Ismail (
for Ibrahim (
and Ismail (
had passed the test of faith which Allah had set for them.
Some time later, the angels who were being sent to Lut (
stopped at Ibrahim's (
home. When he saw the two strangers, he roasted a calf in order to entertain
them. When he saw that they did not eat, he mistrusted and feared them. But they
told him not to be afraid. Sarah was there and she laughed when they told her
she would have a son. She couldn't believe it. She was an old woman and her
husband an old man. They told her not to wonder at Allah's decree, for he can do
all things.
Ibrahim (
too, couldn't believe his ears when they told him that he would father another
son endowed with wisdom. He asked the messengers how they could say such a thing
when he was such an old man. But they assured him that they were telling the
Just as the angels had foretold, a son was born to Sarah and Ibrahim (
He was named Ishaaq (
and he later became the father of Yaqub (
It is from Ishaaq (
that the children of Israel trace their roots.
It is from Ismail (
Ibrahim's (
first-born son, that the people of Arabia trace their lineage. Thus can two
peoples, the Jews and the Arabs, trace their beginnings back to a single
ancestor, Ibrahim (
the father of Ismail (
and Ishaaq (
You can read about Ibrahim (
and his sons in the following surat of the Qur'an 11:69-76, 15:51-56, and 37:
Published: November 1991