Part III: Types of RulingsQ. What is fard, waajib,
sunnah and nafl and what is the difference between them? Waajib comes second to fard. One who denies waajib is not a kaafir but if he leaves it without excuse, he is faasiq and deserves punishment. Sunnah is an act which the Prophet () did and his Companions followed and commanded. Nafl is an act commanded by Sharee’ah. It brings reward if done but no punishment if not done. It is also called mustahab, mandoob or tatawwu’. Q. How many types of fard
are there? Fard ‘ayn is compulsory on every individual Muslim. One who leaves it is faasiq and will be punished. Fard kifaayah is such an act which can be performed by a few persons and it satisfies the obligation of the entire group or community. It will be a sin of all the people if nobody does it at all. Q. How many types of sunan
(pl. of sunnah) are there? Sunnat mu’akkadah is an act which has been constantly performed by the Prophet () or he has ordered the Muslims to do it and it was done ever since and was never left without an excuse. It is sinful to abandon a sunnah. It is very sinful to make a habit of leaving such a sunnah. Sunnat ghayr mu’akkadah is the one which was often done by the Prophet () but was left sometimes without any excuse. This sunnat is more rewarding than something which is mustahab but there is no sin if it is left. These are also called Sunan-e-Zawaa-id. Q. What is meant by haraam,
makrooh tahreemi and makrooh tanzeehi? Makrooh tahreemi is next to haraam. It is forbidden and proved to be so by daleel-e-zanni but one who does not accept it as such is not a kaafir but is very sinful. Makrooh tanzeehi is an act which brings Allah’s blessings if it is avoided. If done, it is bad but not punishable. Q. What is mubaah?