Part II: Masah over socks
Is it necessary to wash the feet every time when you do wuduu’
No. It is not necessary all the time. When you are wearing thick socks
you can do masah over them.
How to do this masah ?
Wet your fingers with water and then, putting three fingers on the toes,
pull your hands upwards. Apply the fingers fully and not only the tips. Masah is done on the upper portion of the socks. Masah
done on the soles or one the toes only is not complete.
On what types of socks can you do masah?
There are three kinds of socks over which masah
can be done:
1. Leather socks that cover the feet up to the ankles;
2 and 3. Those cotton and woolen socks which alone, without any other
cover over them, are thick enough to carry a man for three or four miles without
giving way or becoming torn.
When is masah admissible on
these socks?
When worn after wuduu’
or after washing the feet only and the socks were worn continuously, even after
the wuduu’ breaks.
For how many days is masah
allowed on socks once they are put on?
Masah on socks is allowed for a
day and a night- 24 hour- if one is at home, and three days and nights when
Is masah on socks allowed in wuduu’
and ghusul both?
No. The masah of socks is
allowed only for wuduu’ and
not for ghusul.
Is masah allowed on torn socks?
Masah will not be allowed if
the sock is so much torn that it has an opening the size of the three little
toes together, or , when walking, it opens to that extent. It is allowed if the
sock is torn less than that.
Masah on Jabeerah
What is jabeerah?
Jabeerah is the piece of wood
(splint) which is used to set right fractured bones. But here jabeerah does not mean only a splint but also any bandage or plaster
over any part of the body.
What are the orders for masah
on the bandage, splint or other sort of coverings on wounds?
A. Masah
is allowed over the bandage or covering if the removal of the piece of wood,
bandage or the covering is harmful and causes much pain.
On how much of the bandage should masah
be done?
A. On
the whole of the bandage.
What is the order if the removal of the bandage does no harm nor causes
any pain?
A. If
washing the wound does not do any harm, nor is it painful, then it is necessary
to wash it. If there is harm in washing but no harm in doing masah then to do masah on
the wound is waajib (obligatory). If masah
on the wound may also be harmful, it is allowed to do masah
on the bandage or the covering of the wound.