Part II: The Wuduu'
What is wuduu’ ?
A. Wuduu’
is a special way of washing the exposed parts of the person. When one intends to
perform wuduu’ for namaaz or otherwise, he should, with clean water, first wash his
hands up to the wrists. Then gargle three times and clean the teeth with a miswaak
or brush or with the fingers. Then put water in the nose and clean it with the
left hand. Then wash the face three times. Then wash both hands up to the elbows
and perform masah of the head, ears
and neck. Then wash both the feet up to the ankles. You have already read the
complete method of wuduu’ in
the first part of this book.
Are all these things necessary to perform the wuduu’
A. There
are certain things that are necessary and without them wuduu’ will not be complete. These are called fard
(compulsory). There are other things which may be left out and the wuduu’
will be complete, though it will be naaqis
(improper)- they are called sunnah.
There are certain other things which bring more blessings of Allah or thawaab
but if left out, they do not make much difference- these things are called mustahab (recommended and desirable).
How many things are fard
in wuduu’ ?
A. There
are four things fard in wuduu’:
(intention); |
Saying the bismillaah
before starting; |
Washing the hands three times up to the wrists; |
Brushing the teeth by miswaak
or fingers; |
Gargling three times; |
Passing water into the nostrils three times; |
– i.e. to pass wet fingers into the beard; |
Khilaal of
fingers and toes; |
Washing of each part three times; |
Masah of the
whole head; |
Masah of both
ears; |
done systematically, in order; and |
Washing of each part one after the other without pause, so
that no part dries up before you finish the whole wuduu’. |