Dua Lesson 13: Entering the Masjid

In the name of Allah. Blessings and peace be
upon the Messenger of Allah.
Oh Allah! Open unto me the gates of Your Mercy.
Faatimah (Allah be pleased with her) reported that when
Allah’s Messenger (
) entered the mosque, he invoked
blessings and peace upon Muhammad (himself) and then said: “My Lord, forgive
my sins and open unto me the gates of Your Mercy.” And as he went out of the
mosque, he would supplicate for blessings and peace upon Muhammad (himself) and
say: “My Lord, forgive my sins and open unto me the doors of Your Bounty.” (Mishkaat)

Dua Lesson 14: Leaving the Masjid

In the name of Allah. Blessings and peace be
upon the Messenger of Allah.
Oh Allah! I beg of You Your Bounty.[