Dua Lesson 11: During AdhaanWhile the mu’adh-dhin is calling the Adhaan, repeat each sentence as he says it. After “Hayya ‘alas-Salaah” and “Hayya ‘alal-Falaah” say:
After “Qad qaamatis-Salaah” in the Iqaamah say:
After “As-Salaat Khayrum-minan-Nawm” during the Fajr Adhaan say:
‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr bin al-‘Aas reported Allah’s
Messenger ( (Here, waseelah means the highest rank in Paradise.)
Dua Lesson 12: After Adhaan
Oh Allah! Lord of this perfect call, and of the prayer to be offered presently. Grant to Muhammad the way of approach unto You, and also eminence and high rank, and raise him to the glorious position which You have promised him, and give us his intercession on the Day of Judgment. And You do not go back on Your promise.[2] Anas (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah’s
Messenger (
‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr (Allah be pleased with him) reported
that a person said: O Allah’s Messenger (