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[Prophets] [Angels]
The fundamental belief of a Muslim is in the oneness of
Allah (the Almighty God). As a result of this, we understand that the entire
purpose of our life on earth is to worship, serve, and obey Allah. The question
arises then: How we are to have a clear understanding of our position in
relation to the rest of creation, and how do we learn what our duties are in
respect of our Creator, our fellow creations, and our own selves.
The answer to this is the institution of prophethood. The prophets are the
channel of communication between Allah and mankind. It is through them, in His
infinite mercy, that Allah provided men and women with guidance to follow the
right course and so make this world a happy and peaceful place to live in. For
those who accept and follow that guidance, the reward in the life after death is
much greater and more desirable than the fleeting pleasures of this world.
[External link: Prophets
- The Perfect Models for Humanity]
Since the beginning of Creation, Allah has sent His guidance for mankind
through a group of specially selected human beings. These chosen people are
called prophets (Arabic: nabi, pl. ambiyaa) or messengers (Arabic:
rasool, pl. rusul). Each one of them invited the people of their
time to obey and worship Allah as He wished. They taught, guided, and trained
their people to follow the way of Allah and left indelible prints on the fabric
of human history.
The prophets and messengers were very special people - but none the less were
no more than human beings. They were not sons, partners, or incarnations of
Allah. The message of every prophet and messenger was one and the same: "There
is none worthy and deserving of worship except Allah."
 | Allah sent prophets and messengers to every nation in every time and place
throughout the history of mankind. The minimum number of these prophets was
124,000. Muslims affirm faith in all of them, whether their names are known
or not.
 | The first of the prophets was, in fact, the father of the human race, Adam
( -
'alayhis-salaam - peace be upon him). The last of the prophets and
messengers was the Prophet Muhammad (
- sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam - peace and blessings of Allâh be
upon him).
 | All the prophets and messengers were human beings whom Allah
chose to convey His message to the people. No person became such as a
result of their own effort. Never was prophethood revoked from a person once
it was bestowed. In His infinite Wisdom, Allah knew well the people whom He
chose as His messengers.
 | They always spoke the truth, committed no sins, and conveyed the message
they were sent with - leaving nothing out, nor adding anything of their own
 | Muhammad ( )
is the last and final prophet. After him, there will now come no new
prophets. The message that he brought is the message and guidance for
mankind until the end of time. The message he delivered is the perfection
and culmination of the guidance that Allah has been revealing to mankind
throughout the ages of history.
 | Many times, Allah bestowed upon the prophets the ability to perform miracles.
Such events, which could not be performed by ordinary men, were meant to
demonstrate the truthfulness of the claim to prophethood. [Click
here for more on miracles.]
 | Those people chosen by Allah fell into two categories:
"Prophets" and "Messengers". Every "messenger"
was a "prophet" but not the other way around. "Prophet"s
were all those who were favored to be a guide for mankind. They received
Revelation from Allah, but not necessarily a complete Divine Book and Law. A
"messenger" was one who in fact received a Divine Book and code of
law for his nation. Most of the prophets simply came to remind people of
their duty towards the book of the time, and to reestablish the existing
code of law. The last Book to be revealed, containing the most perfect code
of law for the rest of time, is the Qur'an.
 | Why do we need guidance from Allah anyway? The answer is simple: human
beings are weak and frail; we have no knowledge of the future and the
knowledge we do have is extremely limited, notwithstanding any "great
discovery" or "invention" that the human race has produced.
Also, we are not perfect and are unable to make any guidance and laws for
ourselves which hold good for all times and in all conditions. In
particular, it is necessary for us to be educated and informed of three
aspects: (1) Knowledge of Allah and His attributes, (2) the reward and
punishment of the Hereafter, so as to encourage men and women towards good
deeds and away from evil, and (3) the manner of prayer and worship that is
accepted by Allah. No matter how much we use our intellect, it brings us no
fruit in understanding these aspects of life if void of Divine Guidance.
Just as our sense of seeing is only activated in the presence of light, so
our intellect can only be activated if guided by Divine knowledge through
the medium of prophethood. |
[External link: Children's Stories of
the Prophets]
The angels are a creation of Allah, created from a substance called noor
(light or effluence). They are a creation that we cannot see by eye. They have no
propensities towards evil nor do they have any carnal desires. They were not
created with free will, as human beings -- rather they remained constantly
engaged in whatever duties Allah has assigned to them. Their number is
uncountable and only known to Allah and they have no gender -- that is, they are
neither masculine nor feminine.
We include angels here in the discussion of prophethood because the duty of
the most famous and senior of the angels, the Angel Jibreel (Gabriel - -
'alayhis-salaam - peace be upon him), was to deliver the laws and
revelations of Allah to the prophets and messengers. The angels are thus a
medium of Divine revelation.
The names of three other prominent angels are known to us: (1) Mikaa'eel ( )
is the angel in charge of the rains, weather, and providence. There are many
angels under his supervision that act in accordance with the will and
commandments of Allah. (2) 'Izraa'eel ( )
is the "Angel of Death" - charged with the supervision of those angels
who withdraw the souls of people when their time to live upon this earth has
expired. (3) Israafeel ( )
is the angel whose task it will be to sound the Trumpet on the Last Day which
will lead to the destruction of the Universe and the advent of the Day of
Besides these angels, there are countless others engaged in various duties:
two angels accompany every woman and man, writing down the good and bad deeds we
do; there are angels who protect people from calamities and disasters; others
question the dead in the graves; others seek out and attend gatherings where the
worship and remembrance of Allah is taking place; others are in charge of
guarding or taking care of Hell and Heaven; finally, others do nothing else but
remain in constant worship of Allah, glorifying and magnifying Him until
Many books of various sizes were revealed to different prophets for the
guidance of their nations. Muslims believe in all the books revealed by Allah.
Of these, the four major ones are:
 | Tawraah (Torah), revealed to Musa (Moses - ) |
 | Zaboor (Psalms), revealed to Dawood (David - ) |
 | Injeel (Gospel), revealed to 'Isa (Jesus - ) |
 | Qur'an, revealed to the Last Prophet, Muhammad ( ) |
All the other books, besides the Holy Qur'an, were revealed at once.
The Qur'an was revealed part-by-part over a period of 23 years. [Read
Furthermore, besides the Qur'an, none of the books are currently to be found
in their original form. Changes, alterations, additions, and deletions have been
made to them. Allah has promised to safeguard the text of the Qur'an up till the
Last Day. From the beginning of its revelation until the present day, thousands
of people have memorized the Qur'an by heart in its entirety. Muslims read and
recite the Qur'an many times over every year.
The previous books and revelations all mentioned the coming of the final
Prophet and the last Book that he would bring. His name, place of birth and
migration, and detailed descriptions of his own self as well as his companions
were and are still to be found in these books -- even in their present
adulterated forms. The pages of history bear witness to the fact that those
people with knowledge of the previous scriptures recognized immediately the
signs of the Prophet Muhammad ( ).
It was for this very reason that large communities of Jews had established their
residences in Madinah at the time of his coming -- they were in fact awaiting
the arrival of the last prophet. When the second khalifah (caliph) after
the death of the Prophet ( ),
Umar ibn al-Khattab, marched to Jerusalem, the Christians (Romans), in whose
control it was, opened the doors of the city to him after recognizing in him the
signs given in the Injeel (Gospel).
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