Jaami’ Dua- Prayers for any occasion: Lesson 36
Oh Allah! We ask of You all the good things
that Your Prophet Muhammad (
Abu Umaamah (Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger
of Allah (
Jaami’ Dua: Lesson 37
Oh Allah! Truly we ask of You that which
invokes Your mercy, and that which necessitates Your forgiveness, and we ask for
safety from every sin, and for treasures of every good, and for successful
achievement of Paradise and for salvation from the Fire.[2] Jaami’ Dua: Lesson 38
Oh Changer of Hearts! Make our hearts firm on Your faith.[3] Shahr bin Haushab (Allah be pleased with him) relates that
he asked Hadhrat Umm-Salamah (Allah be pleased with her): O Ummul-Mu’mineen!
What was the supplication made most often by the Messenger of Allah (
Jaami’ Dua: Lesson 39
Oh Allah! Truly I seek refuge in You from anxiety and grief; and I seek refuge in You from inability and laziness; and I seek refuge in You from miserliness and faint-heartedness; and I seek refuge in You from the burden of debt and the coercion of men.[4] Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (Allah be pleased with him) reported
that the Messenger of Allah (
Jaami’ Dua: Lesson 40
Oh Allah! Truly You are the Forgiver, You love Forgiveness, so forgive us.[5] Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq (Allah be pleased with him) reports
that the Prophet (
Abu Fadl ‘Abbaas ibn ‘Abdul-Muttalib (Allah be pleased
with him) relates: I asked the Messenger of Allah (