First Kalimah:
The word of purity
There is no god except Allah.
Hadrat Zaid bin ‘Arqam (Allah be pleased with him)
narrated that the Messenger of Allah (
(Tabaraani in Awsat-ul-Kabeer) “Do you not see how Allah puts forth the likeness of a
good word (kalimah tayyibah)? It is like a good tree, whose root is
firmly fixed and whose branches reach to the sky. It brings forth its fruit in
all seasons by the command of its Lord. And Allah sets forth parables for men,
so that they may take heed. And the likeness of an evil word (kalimah khabeetha-
a word of shirk) is like an evil tree, which is uprooted from the face of
the earth, and has no stability.” (Quran XIV: 24-26) Second Kalimah:
The word of testification
I bear witness that there is no god except Allah,
Who is Alone and has no partners; Third Kalimah:
The word of glorification
Glory be to Allah. And praise be to Allah. Ibn Mas’ood (Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the
Messenger of Allah (
Fourth Kalimah:
The word of Oneness of Allah
There is no god except Allah, Who is Alone and has
no partners. For Him is the Dominion and for Him is all praise. He gives life
and causes death. And He is Living and will never ever die.
Abu Hurairah (Allah be pleased with him) reports that the
Messenger of Allah (
Fifth Kalimah:
The word of repentance
I seek forgiveness of my Lord for every sin that I have sinned- intentionally or accidentally, in secret or in open- and I repent to Him for the sins that I am aware of, and for the sins that I am not aware of. Truly You (Oh Allah!) are the Knower of the Unseen, and the Coverer of Faults, and the Forgiver of Sins. And there is no power and no strength except with Allah, the Most High, Most Great.
Agharr ibn Yasaar (Allah be pleased with him) said that the
Messenger of Allah (
Sixth Kalimah:
The word of rejection of disbelief
Oh Allah! Truly I seek refuge in You from holding any partners with You knowingly. And I see forgiveness of You for that which I am not aware of. I repent of such deeds and I clear myself from any actions of disbelief and idolatry and lying and backbiting and innovation and slander and lewdness and abomination and every type of sin. And I submit to You and I say: There is no god except Allah;