Islamic Center of Hamden


Center of





Results of May 4th, 2003 fundraising:

Over $20,000 raised in cash/checks and more in pledges - Alhamdulillaah!!!



May 4th, 2003 - 5:30 - 10PM

Masjid, Madrasah, Graveyard Project

Special Guest: Imam Al-Ameen Abdul Latif (NY)

Hamden High School Cafeteria
2040 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden


Update: November 2002

Initial clearing of the land and surveyor's work has been completed. Meeting with the town of Hamden to determine the studies (traffic/water/etc.) needed for the architect to proceed has taken place. 

Cash in hand (11/16/02) ==> $(under preparation).


Results after May 19th, 2002 (Rabi-ul-Awwal 6, 1423) Fundraising:

We appreciate all the moral and financial support received from the Muslim brothers and sisters of Hamden and other areas around the state and country. If you would like to contribute a donation, please send your check or money order to: Islamic Center of Hamden, P. O. Box 4456, Hamden, CT 06514. (Tax ID # 06-1578692)

Cash in hand (5/8/02) ==> $104,036.85
May 19 Fundraiser ==> $30,760.90 Cash (approx. $60K in pledges)
Expenses ==> $2,793.01
Cash in hand (5/23/02) ==> $132,024.74





May 19th, 2002

The Islamic Center of Hamden (Connecticut)


 A Lecture And
Fundraising Dinner
Masjid, Madrasah, Graveyard Project


Maulana Shams-ul-Arifin 

Shaikh Muhammad Mukhtar Haidera

(New York)

(Hartford, CT)

May 19th, 2002; 5:00-10:00PM
Hamden High School Cafeteria
2040 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden

From North
: Take Rt. 15 South to Exit 60 (Dixwell Avenue). Turn  left. At the first light turn left into Hamden High School.
From South
: Take Rt. 15 North to Exit 60 (Dixwell Avenue). Turn left on Dixwell Avenue. At the second light turn left and into Hamden High School.
From I-91
Take Exit 10 (Hamden Dixwell Avenue exit). At the end of exit turn left and then left again at the first light (Hartford Turnpike). At the first light turn right (Dixwell Avenue). Keep going straight; At the tenth traffic light, turn right into Hamden High School.

Click here for PDF flyer [260KB].




Results after May 5th, 2001 Fundraising:

At present, the total amount raised has been $68,500.00 with some $25,000 additional in pledges. We would like to raise $60,000.00 more in order to begin actual site development and construction. The total estimated cost for the project is at least $300,000.00.

We appreciate all the moral and financial support received from the Muslim brothers and sisters of Hamden and other areas around the state and country. If you would like to contribute a donation, please send your check or money order to: Islamic Center of Hamden, P. O. Box 4456, Hamden, CT 06514. (Tax ID # 06-1578692)




About the Project

By the grace and mercy of Allah, the Muslim community of Hamden and surrounding towns has been blessed with the purchase of 2.7 acres of land towards the purpose of establishing a masjid/madrasah/graveyard complex. The purchase of the land was finalized on February 7, 2000 (l Dhul-Qaidah 1420). The project will be kept as simple and close to the sunnah as possible, and will serve the practical purpose of providing permanent facilities for a madrasah and funeral services as well as a masjid. The estimated total cost is $300,000, with $100,000 required to begin work on the first phase.

Masjid, Funeral facilities and Graveyard
The pillar of any Muslim community is a Masjid, but it is important to ask, "Why build another masjid?" The motivations need to be clear and explicit. This is not simply an exercise in constructing a grandiose structure and congratulating ourselves after it is completed. The aim is to have an active and functional masjid which is the daily focus of the local Muslim families. A major obstacle to regular daily attendance can be overcome by establishing a masjid in close vicinity. 

Allah tells us in the Qur'an "Ye are the best of peoples evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah." (3:110). We need to believe that we are the best of peoples, and we need to plan for a community that is worthy of the "best of peoples". 

Such a community will require the participation of every Muslim to build the facilities needed, and every Muslim can contribute in his or her own way. Your contribution can be financial, with your time, or other skills that you possess. The important thing is to understand that you can contribute, and not wait in the hope that at your time of need all the facilities vital to Muslims will be available. 

For more than two years, families living in Hamden and nearby towns have come together to support a weekend Islamic School. Due to the rapid growth in attendance by children and adults the facilities are too small . A primary goal of the Hamden project is to provide a dedicated facility for a masjid, madrasah, and graveyard, with plans to expand the madrasah to daily operation. 

Even in the limited facilities the Madrasah held Taraweeh prayers with two haafiz from England during Ramadan 1419, and several Islamic books and materials for children have been published over the last two years. The Madrasah charges no fees for the Islamic instruction and aims to train and develop children and families so that they can form the basis of a strong Muslim community.

The Madrasah has been the most active of the three projects, but the purchase of land has made it possible to begin work on the masjid and graveyard. Both of these are cornerstones for building and maintaining a Muslim community. These projects have been sustained so far by Muslims like yourself, donating their time, effort, money and prayers. We sincerely welcome any such assistance that you yourself may be able to provide. If you have any questions or comments, or desire more information, please feel free to contact one of the brothers listed below regarding the Hamden Project. The property purchased for the Hamden Project is located at 698 Newhall Street in Hamden, CT 06517.
Donation, checks or money orders, may be made payable to Islamic Center of Hamden and mailed to: Islamic Center of Hamden, P. O. Box 4456, Hamden, CT 06514. (Tax ID # 06-1578692)

May Allah grant you the best reward for any help you are able to provide in the establishment of this facility.

Project Plans

The total cost of this project from inception to completion is going to be several hundred thousands dollars. All the money is, however, not needed at once. The project can be completed in phases. It is suggested that we do it in five steps: 

1- Land procurement
2- Masjid and part of madrasah construction; 
3- Graveyard approval and demarcation; 
4- Madrasah construction and 
5- School construction. 

Step one has already been completed, Alhumdulillah.



The Islamic Center of Hamden (Connecticut)


 A Lecture By
Muhammad Zakiuddin Sharfi
Fundraising Dinner
Masjid, Madrasah, Graveyard Project

May 5th, 2001; 5:00-10:00PM
Hamden High School Cafeteria
2040 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden

From North
: Take Rt. 15 South to Exit 60 (Dixwell Avenue). Turn  left. At the first light turn left into Hamden High School.
From South
: Take Rt. 15 North to Exit 60 (Dixwell Avenue). Turn left on Dixwell Avenue. At the second light turn left and into Hamden High School.
From I-91
Take Exit 10 (Hamden Dixwell Avenue exit). At the end of exit turn left and then left again at the first light (Hartford Turnpike). At the first light turn right (Dixwell Avenue). Keep going straight; At the tenth traffic light, turn right into Hamden High School.



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Last modified 01/28/04 09:49 AM - Islamic Center of Hamden, Inc.